– Kamailio SIP Server –


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development:irc-meeting-agenda-17-02-2009 [2009/02/12 10:00] – created [2009/02/17 10:55] (current)
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 +**This page is dedicated to collect the content for next IRC devel meeting agenda**
 +//Just add your questions and remarks on the bottom of the page.//
 +The IRC meetings are meant to discuss the latest developments in and around Kamailio.
 +Proposed date: Tuesday, Feb 17, 2009 at 15:00 GMT ([[http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html|Time converter]])
 +Place: #kamailio channel on irc.freenode.net.
 +====== Agenda ======
 +===== Kamailio 1.5.0 =====
 +* state of the freeze
 +* open tasks and bugs
 +* release date
 +===== Experiences with Kamailio 1.4 =====
 +* critical bugs
 +* release 1.4.4
 +** date proposal
 +===== SIP Router Project =====
 +* status update
 +* improvements
 +===== Roadmap to Kamailio 1.6 =====
 +* merge with the sip-router core
 +* benefits
 +* migration strategies
 +* rough time line
 +===== New and/or Missing in the Eco-system =====
 +* migration tools
 +* easier integration with 3rd party applications (media services: sems, asterisk, freeswitch)
 +* web/standalone additional applications